's Network of eeeCurrency Authorized Exchanger Terms
Any eeeCurrency Account may transfer value from one Account to another, however, the System , eeeCurrency Accounts, and eeeCurrency itself is given value in exchange for other value brought in to the System by Exchangers we directly trade with called "Independent Authorized Exchangers". These Exchangers are listed at the site, and are expected to adhere to our policies. Regular User Accounts are encouraged to use them to lower any risks involved in performing Transactions.
Regular Accounts differ from Authorized Exchanger Accounts because Regular Accounts can only be "loaded" from another Account holder which may be a Regular Account or an Authorized Exchanger Account. does not accept Funding or Exchanges directly from Regular Account holders.
The Authorized Exchanger is assigned what we call a “Float Account”, funded with a Line of Credit starting at $500 (limit increase may be determined by volume of Transactions and other considerations).
Exchanger agrees to use this account ONLY for fulfilling Buy and Sell orders from Customers, and agrees to send Funds to the Buyer's eeeCurrency Account from the Exchanger's Float Account and then send to the agreed upon form of payment (Bank Wire, other eCurrency, etc.) for the equal amount that was sent to the Buyer's eeeCurrency account from the Exchanger's Float Account.
It is understood by and the Exchanger that: |
a) |
Funds in the Exchanger's Float Account is working Credit and the property of |
| |
b) |
Float Account is ONLY used to send funds to Customer's account who has placed an |
order for eeeCurrency |
c) |
Exchanger must repay amounts subtracted from Float account within 24 hours. |
d) |
If subtracted Float amount remains unpaid for more than 24 hours, an additional fee |
of 1% per day of the outstanding total balance may be charged. |
e) |
If subtracted Float amount remains unpaid for more than 72 hours, Exchanger's Float account may be suspended. |
Example of an Exchanger Buy and Sell Transaction:
- Only eeeCurrency Authorized Exchangers may directly buy and sell eeeCurrency directly from
- Fees may differ.
Buyer pays the Exchanger $100 of some other funds, and the Exchanger charges the Buyer by subtracting a 3% fee (higher fee not recommended). The Exchanger sends $97 eeeCurrency to Buyer and sends (remits) $97 (Wire transfer, e-Gold, or agreed form of payment) to immediately or by before 12 midnight GMT, but no more than 24 hours.
Within 24 hours after receiving remittance from Exchanger, Administration will replenish Exchanger's Float account with $97 and transaction has been settled.
Seller pays to the Exchanger's Float account $100 of eeeCurrency and with Proof of Payment (eeeCurrency Transaction ID). Exchanger charges the Buyer by subtracting a 3% fee from this amount. The Exchanger then sends $97 of some other funds to the Seller and the transaction has been settled.
Authorized Exchangers may remit payments for eeeCurrency with prior arranged payment types.
In summary:
Buyer sends form of payment to Exchanger
Exchanger sends eeeCurrency to Buyer's eeeCurrency account minus Exchanger's fee
Exchanger remits agreed form of payment to eeeCurrency's outside receiving account Administration confirms receipt of remittance and transaction is settled
Seller sends eeeCurrency to Exchanger's eeeCurrency Float Account
Seller sends to Exchanger Proof of Payment (Transaction ID)
Exchanger sends form of payment to Seller minus Exchanger's fee
The Buyer has received eeeCurrency for whatever legitimate use
The Exchanger makes their money on the fees they charge Buyers and Sellers
eeeCurrency makes it's money on a percentage of the total of all funds collected by a receiver of those funds to a maximum of $2.00
The attractiveness of using eeeCurrency is:
No chargebacks
Various degrees of privacy and risk protection
(we do not disclose your account information and you may perform online transactions with out distributing your credit card, banking information, etc. widely)
To become a Authorized Exchanger, do the following:
1) Read and agree to the terms in this document
2) Open a Free account
3) Submit identification documents to a point score of at least 7
4) Put the word 'Exchanger' next your account number on the affidavit
5) Send us the internet address your site that has eeeCurrency added to it
6) Ask for a referal to ready-made eCurrency Exchanger software
7) Send all your material to eeeCurrency Support